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YOUKIONEBICAL (High-concentration liquid calcium)
    Main Features
  • This is a newly conceptualized liquid calcium for foliage fertilization, which is easily absorbed in plants. It moves in plants quickly because of the chelation of calcium, boron, amino acid, physiologically active substance, etc.
  • With the synergism of the plant’s essential nutrients, this product enables continuous harvest. It can also increase the freshness and storage value of the plants.
  • This product prevents calcium-deficiency disorders.
    Method of Use
  • Method of Use
    Crop Time of Use Dilution Rate and Amount of Use
    Whole Crops ▷ In the beginning of growth and early growth period 1-2 time
    ▷ The middle of growth, enlargement, and fruiting period 2-4 times
    ▷ 1,000 times -> 20 mL /20 L
    ▷ 500-1,000 times -> 40-20 mL / 20L
    ※ Foliage fertilization on 15-day interval to prevent calcium deficiency
    Guaranteed ingredient and content
  • Amount of active ingredient:
    Water-soluble calcium (more than 17%)